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免責聲明: 本網站資訊僅代表個人意見,與任職單位無涉,且未提供法律、投資、醫療或任何專業建議,亦不保證資訊即時性與完整性,讀者請自行查證並承擔後果。


  1. 本網站目前由作者自己資助營運,除非明確標示外,均為個人觀點與心得。

  2. 作者持有法幣、美股、加密貨幣資產等相關資產,故所持觀點並非客觀中立。躬身入局,分享個人思考及見聞。

Disclaimer: This is my website representing my view only, not my company's. No legal, medical, investment, or whatsoever is rendered here. Seek your own professional advice. Do your own research and take full responsibility for the consequences if you rely on any information here.


  1. This is my website representing my view only, not any other third party unless specified otherwise.

  2. I hold fiat, cryptoassets, and stocks issued by US companies. My viewpoint is thus not neutral, but I have my skin in the game and put my money where my mouth is.